Enid and Philip Yim


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My Research

I love research. I am interested in many fields; but the following will focus on a few area: Biblical studies will occupy most of the information. Detailed information on all the available researches, including Biblical studies, can be found on my third site. The encoding of this site is Big-5 (Traditional Chinese), so if you are using other encodings, you may see some strange symbols. However, the English words can guide you (It is bi-lingual). Plus, my study are mostly done in English; but some are in Chinese only.

All my research can be found in my third site: The Magazine.

Application (In Traditional Chinese Big-5 Encoding)

Biblical Studies (Both in Traditional Chinese Big-5 Encoding and English details) or

My Updated Biblical Studies in my Newest site: Philip Yim's Christian E-zine

Research done during B. Th. study
Research done during M. Div. Study
Research done during Th. M. Study
Notes written during Th. D. Study
Other Studies: Sunday School & Evening Courses
Awards / Publication
Topics for discussion: I have written or read some articles related to the following

Newest updates: Mon, 10.10.2005 .

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biblestandblk.gifLink to download my sermons (ALL in Chinese)

Practice makes perfect. Research makes restless.

Full details on the research are prepared in this link:http://philenid.tripod.com/

But for Biblical /Theological studies: http://philenid.tripod.com/ or http://philenid.0catch.com/ or http://philipyim.0catch.com/

(Please note that the above E-zine is in Traditional Chinese Big-5 Encoding: I have added some English words to help you to find the stuff even if you don't understand and cannot see the code: If you don't have Chinese fonts it will appear in special characters. but it does not matter. My articles are mostly in English. And the menu is bi-lingual and I provide an English Only Menu now.)

All articles are written in English, unless otherwise stated (e.g. (Chinese))

For your convenience I have listed mostly English articles, if you can read Chinese, you can go to http://philenid.tripod.com/Pastor/studies.htm

Please note that the links given are abstract, if you want the whole article, please click the link in ( ) immediately after it. But for book reports or brief note, the links will lead to the full report.

A) Research done during B. Th. study

Most articles in this period are in Chinese.

  1. Interpretation on 144,000 in Revelation (Chinese);
  2. Parousia in 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians (Chinese)
  3. Hermeneutics: The Hermenetic History on Parables (Chinese)
  4. Hebrews introduction (with Sunday School teaching scheme: Chinese)
  5. Warnings in Hebrews (Chinese)
  6. The teachings on Holy Spirit in John (Chinese)
  7. Ezekiel sermon outline in (Chinese)
  8. Historical Theology: Origen's Principia (Chinese)
  9. Historical Theology: Augustine's Hermeneutics (Chinese)
  10. Historical Theology: Martin Luther: Luther's view on Election English
  11. Historical Theology: Schleiermacher's Doctrine of Sin English
  12. Historical Theology: John Wesley's concept of Sin English
  13. Short Comments: Dialogue in Jobs (Chinese)
  14. Short Comments: Ecclesiates & Egyptian Wisdom (Chinese)
  15. Short Comments: On "Fear God" (Chinese)
  16. Short Comments: Proverbs & Egyptian proverbs (Chinese)
  17. Short History of Hong Kong Evangelical Church (Chinese)
  18. Systematic Theology: On inerrancy and its essense (Chinese)

B) Research done during M. Div. Study

  1. "Of Water and Spirit": John 3:3,5 (Whole article)
  2. Interpretation of John 17:1-26 (Chinese)
  3. The teachings on Holy Spirit in John (Chinese)
  4. The use of Old Testament in Hebrews (Whole article)
  5. Theology of Ecclesiates (Whole article)
  6. Textual and Literary Analysis on Deuteronomy 4 (Whole article)
  7. Sociological Approach in Jeremiah (summary)
  8. The Historical, Literary Analysis and Message of Ezekiel (Whole article)
  9. Reading Note: J.Maxwell Miller: Israelite History
  10. Brief note: Household Code (Social background of NT family life)
  11. Reading Note: Longenecker, Richard. Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period
  12. Pauline Theology: Soteriology System - a brief analysis
  13. Sociological Methods in New Testament-- annotated bibliography
  14. Table: Summary of Rhetorical Analysis of Pauline Epistles
  15. Brief Introduction to Judaism
  16. My Counseling Theory and Practice
  18. Brief note: Old Testament Theology
  19. Short analysis of structure: Book : Childs, B.S. Old Testament Theology in a Canonical Context. London: SCM, 1985.
  20. Analytical note: On the "Compound Chains of Pentateuch" (Chinese)
  21. Ethics: Can Christians participate in speculation of foreign exchange? (Chinese: done before 1997 crash)
  22. Ethics: Can Christians participate in speculation of real estate? (Chinese: done before 1997 crash)

C) Research done during Th. M. Study

  1. What is a Jew in Paul's times and Paul's distinctiveness as an individual?
  2. Sociology of Pauline Epistles (annotated bibliography and my response)
  3. Pauline Theology: The transfer model seen in Romans 5:12-8:17
  4. Paul and his Contemporary Judaism: Annotated Bibliography (Whole article)
  5. Lukan Portrait of Paul (Whole article)
  6. Current Trends in the Interpretation of Luke-Acts (Whole article)
  7. The Structure of Acts (Whole article)
  8. The Tradition History of Psalm 110 (Whole article)
  9. Book report: Theissen Gerd, Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity
  10. Book report: Theissen Gerd, The Gospels in Context: Social and Political History in the Synoptic Tradition
  11. Book report: Affirming Difference Celebrating Wholeness: A Partnership of Equals
  12. Book report: The Feminist issues in Luke-Acts: Corley, Kathleen E. Private Women, Public Meals: Social Conflict in the Synoptic Tradition
  13. Book report: The Feminist issues in Luke-Acts: Seim, Turid Karlsen. The Double Message: Patterns of Gender in Luke-Acts

Click here to download the study on Acts (in Word document format)


Notes written during Th. D. Study

  1. Summary of books related to Pauline Studies;
  2. Hermeneutics: Anchor Bible Dictionary;
  3. Hermeneutics: New Horizons;
  4. Hermeneutics: Traditions of Hermeneutics;
  5. Hermeneutics: Introduction

Other Studies (Including Sunday School and Evening courses in Seminaries)

  1. Pauline Theology: Soteriology: System
  2. The transfer model seen in Romans 5:12-8:17
  3. Short Note on a book: THE MIND CHANGERS: The art of Christian Persuaion
  4. Short Note on a book: Art of Thinking
  5. Evening course in Seminaries: Romans (Chinese)
  6. Evening course in Seminaries: Matthew & Synoptics (Chinese)
  7. Evening course in Seminaries: Life of Jesus (Chinese)
  8. Evening course in Seminaries: New Testament Guide (Chinese)
  9. Charismatic Movement (Chinese)
  10. New Testament Prophets (Chinese)
  11. Sunday School: Revelation (approach from Apocalyptics) (Chinese)
  12. Sunday School: Hermeneutics (Chinese)
  13. Short analysis: Inspiration (Chinese)
  14. Universal Salvation: sermon (Chinese)
  15. Course: pre-marital counseling (Chinese)
  16. Study: On equality of Men and Women in the church (Chinese)
  17. Differences between Cults and Orthodoxy [Christianity] (Chinese)


Awards / Publication

June 1989 Academic Award of Evangel Theological Seminary

Jesus' Ministry According to Gospel Mark From a Sociological Perspective
M. Div. Thesis presented to Lutheran Theological Seminary 1994

Roman 1:1-18 as a key of interpreting the purpose and the structure of Romans

Th. M. Thesis presented to the Southeast Asia Graduate School of Theology 1997

Chinese Translation of Robert J. Wicks' book "Seeds of Sensitivity: Deepening Your Spiritual Life" (in progress)

Topics for discussion: I have written or read some articles related to the following:

1) Does it ethical for Christians to participate in speculation of house? (Chinese) Outline ------(Details)

2) Do it ethical for Chirstians to pariticipate in the speculation of foreign exchange? (Historical review included; Chinese) (Details)

3) What is the Nature of Light? (Besides Duality of particles and waves; what is ...)

4) The Nature of Time: what is the theoretical possibility of two-time dimension (e.g. in F-theory)?

5) What is the real nature of superstring? What is the possible and suitable dimension of our space?

6) The relationship between indice of real integers (e.g. 2^N) and the increment of no. of digits of the related number?

7) How to grow a church?

Other researches:Biblical Study, Spirituality, Computing (e.g. Supercomputing), Photography, Applied Psychology, Mathematics (Statistics), Physics (Mathematical Physics pre-print archive), Astronomy (e.g. The Messier Catalogue), Music (Classical symphonies), Reading, Translation, History (Chinese or other Ancient cultures, e.g. Holy Land), Administration, Philosophy, Futurology (or science or this link) , Economics, Medicine (Chinese Herbal and Western; e.g. Anxiety), Sports (e.g. swimming and table tennis) and Cookery.