During the summer vacation in F.2 (about 8th grade), I had plenty of time to re-think my life objective. The more I reflected on it, the more unsolved puzzles I found. In midst of this, one of my former classmate invited me to a gospel meeting. I did not want to go because I did not have any good impression on Christianity at that time. But due to his strong urge and my willingness to meet him again, I accepted this invitation. In this meeing, I found that Christianity was different from what I thought and heard. I made an decision to clarify whether it was true or false. I stayed in this church and read whatever available and joined any activity I could join. Gradually, my mind was opened and the Lord had answered my prayers too. In one retreat camp, a minister led me to receive Christ.
click here to download "God knows" (auto-presentation) | | After my B. Th. graduation, I have got a vision of planting churches within 10 years. So I choose only the job of planting new churches. But it is very difficult for it does not guarantee success. On the contrary, many new models have proved to be not useful in planting during my practice. I hope one day I can share them in the seminaries to help others planting new churches. Planting a new church is not easy. It demands the pastor to be very caring, good personal skills, self-motivated, good leadership, gift in witnessing and follow-up, creative, willing to change, and excellent preaching and many more. Because all the burdens are on the pastor, it is an extreme hard task. Only when you are called, don't try it! |
Called by Supreme Grace
After my graduation from high school, I worked in a bank. My burden for witnessing the gospel grew stronger and stronger as I took my spare time in witnessing with my best friend. We prayed for that for a long time and the continual calling from the Lord had confirmed both of us. After sharing with my pastor, he asked me to work in a Christian organization for two years to gain more experience in related field. God called me to work in Hong Kong Campus Crusade for Christ. Finally, I was accepted by the Evangel Theological Seminary. Link to Hong Kong Campus Crusade for Christ Link to Evangel Theological Seminary | | The planting task is finished with extreme difficulties; but it is a test to me. But the blessing of the Lord has strengthened me in all these days.