Egypt - the land of Muslims has become a land of witness. In the tourist group I traveled with, there was a family who were non-Christians, all other members are Christians. When we arrived Egypt in the night about 12:00 am (mid-night), all of us were tired. But the son of this family had lost his luggage, hours were spent on that matter without any solution. The luggage was missing; but the Egyptians did not know where it was. We tried to help, supported and settled their feelings. All the members were waiting patiently without any complaint. On the contrary, they showed their support with practical help. The family was deeply touched and really saw the differences in Christian life. The father had changed his attitude after that and was very glad that they travelled with a group of loving Christians. Visiting the Holy Land will NOT make you holy unless you go with a heart of seeking HIS face instead of tourist fun. |