| Joining Hands to Pray Together for Actions (Asad 2057 June-July 2000) Major Actions 1. HDCS General body meeting: - On 17th Asad 2057 (1st July 2000) HDCS general body meeting was held in its office. During the meeting financial reports and progress report was presented and the general body approved them.
- There was a discussion about the problem of legal issues and renew matters and the general body pass the resolution to closedown Human Development Communication Service and approved its name as Human Development & Community Services.
- The next general body meeting will be held in Mangsir 2057 (December 2000). In this meeting the general members will come from different parts of the country representing all different Church groups, denominations and independent Congregations.
2. Assessment of HDCS follow up meeting: Partnership assessment workshop between United Mission to Nepal, Nepali Organization Unit and HDCS was held on the 4th and 5th of May 2000 and follow up meeting was held on 18th Asad 2057 (2nd July 2000) at HDCS office. During the follow up meeting we discussed on the draft report and very soon we will have final report in our hand. 3. Proposals: - Church Management Training Program Proposal (Leadership & Management Training):
We prepared a proposal for leadership & management training in the name of Church Management Training Program?and it is sent to Mr. Mike Boardman CMS, Dr. Ismael Noko LWF, Ms. Norma Kherberg ??UMN, Ms. Dorothy Brewster-Lee Presbyterian Church USA, Rev. Juhani Kibela Evangelical Free Church of Finland, Mr. David Bassau Maranatha Trust and Mr. Fredi Grob Swiss Friends Mission in Nepal. We see them as potential funding agencies for this project. Total cost of the training program for a year for 500 participants is Rs. 2,645,000 (US $ 38,330). There will be 24 training sessions each session will have 20 participants. Proposal for Anti-Snake Venom is prepared and sent to Dr. Bernard M. Geffe of MMD. Mr. Kapil Mani Mishra a Nepali doctor is working for this project and it is a project to promote HDCS. The budget for this project is NRS. 160,000. - Turn to New Life Program (work among the drug addicts):
To work among the drug addicts a proposal is made in the topic turn to New Life?and sent to Mr. Anthony Titley Tear Fund UK, Dr. David Claydon CMS Australia, Mr. Edgar Metzler MCC, Executive Director Inter Act, Interserve?? Nepal Representative, Mr. Markku Voutilainen ??FELM and Rev. Akuila Yabaki ??Methodist Church UK. The total budget for this project is NRS. 1,587,800 (US $ 23,000). - Non-Formal Education in Dolakha:
As HDCS has been requested by the MPs of Dolakha District after a survey we prepared a funding proposal for Non-Formal Education in this district and sent to Mr. Ron Yoder Mennonite Board of Missions, Dr. Howard E. Brant SIM International, Mr. Fredi GrobSwiss Friends Mission in Nepal and Mr. Jorgen Pederson ??Danish Santal Mission. Total budget for this project is NRS. 508,684 (US $ 7,372). - Non-Formal Education in Nawalparasi:
Next proposal for NFE program in Barghat, Nawalparasi is prepared and sent to Casper Waaleminju ??Tear Fund Netherland, Dorkas Aid International, Rev. Torbjorn Ligd ??Den Norsky Santal Mission and Rev. Einar Kippenes- Norwegain Himal Asia Mission. The total cost for this project is NRS. 504,020 (US $ 7,305). 4. Skill Development Training program: -
Second evaluation of Skill Dev. Training has been done & reported to CEDAR FUND Hong Kong. -
Recently another six students are selected for metal work training program and they will learn for six months. According to our negotiation this program will take place at Nepal Machine & Steel Structure, Butwal. 5. Lamjung Community Hospital: - Now we are under discussion with Health Ministry regarding an agreement for Lamjung Community Hospital. We are having regular meetings with Mr. Srikanta Regmi the Health Secretary in his office and Dr. Shyam Bhattrai the director of Health Department. According to them, they are very positive to hand over Lamjung District Hospital to the community, where HDCS is working to provide necessary support. Mr. Regmi, the Health Secretary is giving preference to work for this matter and he would like to see it as an experiment from the government side.
In our second meeting with Dr. Bhattrai he told us that from government side he would like to see two things in the hospital. First, government will be happy to provide regular grant and all the governmental facilities, as well they will second some of the their staffs to the hospital. Second, the government will appoint the chairperson of the hospital development board. Possibly that person could be Chief District Officer (CDO) or Local Development Officer (LDO). -
We had a meeting with community leaders. According to them we may run the hospital in mission concept and we may start our daily work with devotion of Christian staffs. -
Dr. Bhattrai is going to coordinate a meeting between Health Ministry; Community NGO and HDCS representatives to draft the points for agreement and Health Secretary will submit it to the cabinet for approval. -
A meeting of advisory group for Lamjung Community Hospital is going to be held at HDCS offcie on 7th August 2000 at 01:30 PM. -
We are thinking to provide medical services form the 1st day of the New Year 2001. 6. Work among Christian youth: In the month of Asad, we had three meetings with potential and energetic Christian youth of Kathmandu Valley to identify the problems of Christian youth, Christian Communities, state and government related problems, and problem in Christianity and social issues. Selected twelve youth are regularly attending the meeting from different church groups, denominations and independent congregations. We are expecting to organize a special consultation for the Christian youth to mobilize and involve them in church growth and social developmental issues. The proposal will be made and sent to potential donor(s) for funding. 7. Waiting for the response of the proposals: Though the various proposals are sent to the different partners and donors, yet we have not heard anything from anyone. However, we are still waiting to hear from those who have received our proposals. We love to hear your comments, suggestions and support to strengthen HDCS. Tirtha B. Thapa Executive Director 2nd Srawan 2057 (Jestha 2057 May-June 2000)
Major Actions click to play "when the saints go marching in" A. Assessment of HDCS: Partnership assessment workshop between United Mission to Nepal, Nepali Organization Unit and HDCS was held on the 4 and 5 of May, 2000. There were Mr. Surendra Shrestha, Mr. Markku Voutilainen and Mr. Ron Stoufer. For some time Ms. Karen Stoufer, Rural Development Department Director was present. On behalf of HDCS all the board members, Administrative/Finance Director and Executive Director were present during the assessment. We are expecting a detailed report in the near future from Mr. Surendra Shrestha and Mr. Markku Voutilainen. B. HDCS board meeting: 1. 5 May 2000 HDCS financial reports & Statement up to Poush 2056, and statement upto Chaitra 2056 have been submitted to the board and approved. 2. Financial report, Operation budget and HDCS??s 5 years plan have been submitted to the board and approved. 3. HDCS board meeting approved of the organization structure and other various reports. C. Jhapa District Christian Society TMS Conference: During May 9-13, 2000 The Executive Director was invited to speak to the Jhapa Dirstrict Christian Society meeting. There was an opportunity to share about HDCS to promote it and churches to work in close relation. Churches seem very positive in this matter. D. NCHA Meeting: 1. On May 19, 2000 Nepal Christian Hospital Association's meeting was held in Hotel Greenwich Village. During the NCHA meeting a paper on, "What makes an organization a Christian organization", was presented by Manohar Pathak, Administrative/Finance Director. 2. In the meeting an advisory group for Lamjung Community Hospital has been formed and members are as follows: Dr. David Weakliam - Director, Health Service Department, UMN Dr. Ted McKinney - Chairman, TEAM Nepal Dr. Bernard M. Geffe - Representative, MMD (TEAM Nepal) Dr. David Rodgers - Director, Amppipal Hospital, Gorkha Miss. Eileen Lodge - Chairperson, Nepal Leprosy Fellowship
E. Lamjung Visit: 1.During May 21-23, 2000 Dr. Bernard Gffe of MMD, Mr. Gary Hugh of TEAM Nepal and Executive Director visited Lamjung to do a general assessment and the cost estimation of the hospital building renovation and to observe the community support for the hospital. 2. The main purpose of this visit was to gain general knowledge about the supports of local communities, district level government representatives, political leaders and to get concept about the feeling of the churches in the Lamjung District. During this visit we had a meeting with the church leaders and we have been told that they are praying eagerly and continuously about the guidance of the Holy Spirit on this project. 3. They are eagerly waiting to use the future possibility to strengthen and scattered His kingdom in the close relationship with the hospital project. 4. During the visit we had informal talk with different people in the district and we have been told that everyone from this district are very positive, supportive and cooperative in getting health facilities through this hospital. 5. Chairman of the District Development Committee and Chief District Officer assured us that every work will be done whenever their support and paper work was needed. 6. The Public Health Officer took us around the hospital and helped to get necessary information concerning health situation in the district. |
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F. Agreement Document with HMG/N: Necessary documents are submitted to Health Ministry to have the agreement between HMG/N, Lamjung Integrated Community Health Centre and HDCS for Lamjung Community Hospital. Mr. Upendra Kesari Neupane a lawyer is asked for legal assistance. We have great hope that this agreement will be done before the end of Asad 2057 (end of this fiscal year). G. Meeting with HELVETAS: There was a meeting with HELVETAS and CDHP which was quite helpful. HELVETAS is involved in empowering communities, NGOs and Gos providing the organizational development training. Received the Vision and Aim, Strategy, selection criteria for NGOs and self-help group. CDHP is working with communitys facing several problems. They do not have any written policy/guidelines to work with communitys. We have received MCH operating guidelines and agreements between users and CDHP regarding community work. 
F. Fund Received: We have received NRs. 475,221.95 (four hundred and seventy five thousands two hundred twenty one and ninty five paisa) for the skill development program for the year 2000. MMD is going to support for Lamjung Community Hospital. H. Proposal, News Bulletin and Brochures are Sent: We just completed a written proposal on hurch Management Training; and it is send to few of the donors asking for funds for the project. quarterly news bulletin (June 2000), HDCS brochures are send to some of our donors and partners. Tirtha B. Thapa Executive Director 1st Asad, 2057 |